Roadmunk - Teams

Project completed

Our enterprise customers are frustrated with the existing sharing experience.

  • Develop a way to allow users to share with the same group of people repeatedly
  • Allow first time users to be quickly added to the right roadmaps when they first join
Qlik - firt time experience

After several conversations with our enterprise customers to better understand their needs, we have come to the conclusion that releasing a feature that would allow customers the ability to create user groups and then share to those user groups would solve some of the issues. New users could also be added to these user groups and that would automatically add them to those roadmaps when they first join Roadmunk.

My role
  • UX designer tasked with creating flows for this experience
  • I worked with a Product Manager, Dev Manager and Senior Developer during the ideation phase. We brought on more developers when the designs were ready.
Teams page

Design process

Understand the feedback. We spoke with our customers to see what issues they were having.

Collect the data. In addition to speaking with customers we also had lots of Customer Support tickets to go through. For our fist time users we used FullStory to watch brand new users land on a blank page and leave the product more quickly and frequently than those who had at least one roadmap to view. We knew that being able to add a first time user to a team would increase retention for new users.

Brainstorm. We started by looking at our competition as well as other products that our customers use the most. We wanted to form a mental model with our users to see what they would expect from this feature. We put together a list of possible features we could add then came up with an intial scope.

Ideate! I created several different flows and held regular design review meetings with the Product Manager and developers on the team for their feedback. Once we had the designs in place, we ended up tweaking the scope of the project by adding a few things and removing some others.

Promote. Once the designs were complete, I created some imagery that could be used on marketing material. I used a third-party product to create walkthroughs so that our customers would have no issues finding the new feature and creating new teams.


Final concepts
Once the designs were finalized, we discussed them with other people throughout the company and mentioned them in customer calls. We were excited to get this feature in the hands of our customers.

Teams page
Members list
Sharing dialog
Teams promotion

Incremental Development
We went out with a small release to alleviate some of the pain our enterprise customers were feeling. Once we released the feature we got on customer calls to hear what they liked about it as well as what they wanted next. This is what they provided us with:

  • Tab on the teams page to see what roadmaps are shared with this team (completed)
  • CSV import option so that they can upload a list of their teams directly to Roadmunk (in development)
  • An activity tab on the teams page to see who was added and removed from a team (in development)
  • Add teams to a field list in a roadmap so that they can be assigned projects (backlog)
  • More granular permissions and NDA options for users in Teams (backlog)
  • The option to mention a team in a chat conversation (backlog)

As you can see from the list above we've already completed one of the requests and we're already designing and developing others. Some other teams within Roadmunk are still releasing large projects after months of work, but we're working towards testing out this approach to see if it makes sense for the rest of the company.

This was one of the first projects where we took what normally would have been a massive project and cut it down to small chunks. Quick releases like this allow us to get something out to our customers and get feedback and pivot. When we first put together the list of things that our customers would want a few of them had asked to be able to mention a team in a chat conversation, but after looking at the numbers very few accounts used our chat feature. We decided to push that off to a future release. I am happy that we did because once we launched the feature we have not received a single request to add it.

Within a month our customers had created over three hundred teams, added almost a thousand users to those teams and shared over two hundred roadmaps to teams. Those numbers have increased since the launch and this feature is one of our most commonly used. We hope to see a big bump in use from our enterprise customers when we launch the CSV import soon.

A few pieces of feedback
"...they were AMAZED by the easy-to-use UI. Especially the Teams feature blew their mind!"
"The new Teams feature is great and will be very useful for us."
"We saw the announcement about Teams - well done!"

Say hello!

Don't hesitate to reach out. I'm always interested in sitting down for a nice cup of tea.